Bishop Michael & Pastor Vera Retirement Gala
Bishop Michael and Pastor Vera Bonds
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Bishop Michael & Pastor Vera Retirement Gala

Chicago, IL – On Saturday, December 9th, a Retirement Gala was held in Honor of Restoration M. B. Church organizers and founders Bishop Michael and Pastor Vera Bonds for Laboring Twenty-Two years.

It was great to see so many friends, family, and members gather to celebrate their retirement from pastoring Restoration Missionary Baptist Church, 8758 S. Peoria, Chicago in the Auburn Gresham community for 22 years.

During the event, the introduction was smoothly handled by Pastor Jessie Lee, who set the tone for the evening. The audience was entertained by the hilarious and talented Chicago-based comedian, BLT, who kept the crowd laughing. The celebration was hosted by Janenne Coleman.


Additionally, a special musical dedication was performed by the incredibly talented and respected Songstress and First Lady of Zion Temple Church, Felicia White. Her performance was truly captivating and left the audience in awe. Overall, it was an unforgettable evening filled with entertainment and meaningful moments.

The gathering was attended by religious leaders from all over Illinois. Bishop Billy Drain, Pastor John Davis, Pastor LaRue Kidd, Bishop Bernard Sutton, Pastor Henry White, Bishop Larry Brookins, Rev. Benjamin Davis, Pastor Daggett, and many others were all in attendance.

According to Cook County Commissioner Dennis Deers, his journey towards double-lung transplant surgery and rehabilitation was primarily based on Pastor Vera Bonds’ significant faith in God when she was sick. And the unflinching faith he had in God. That got him through his health challenges.

“I’ve known Michael and Vera for a long time. They are my close friends. My wife Linda and I vacationed in Hawaii with them. We had incredible fun together. Tonight, I gave them a donation to dine and stay at LondonHouse in downtown Chicago.” 

It is a bittersweet moment for all of us. Over the years, both pastors have touched countless lives with their unwavering commitment to guiding and uplifting souls. They have been a source of comfort for those in need, and their dedication to their community has left an indelible mark on many.

Pastor Gregory Daggett confidently stated, “I met Michael at an event and introduced myself as the pastor of Joy of Fellowship Church. He then revealed that his father was the former owner of the church, who sold it to Rev. Mosley. Since then, we have built a strong and meaningful friendship.”

As we bid farewell to their leadership we are filled with gratitude for their years of service and spiritual guidance. We are grateful for the countless hours they have spent with us, the wisdom they have imparted, and the love they have shown.

Bishop Michael and Pastor Vera Bonds’ legacy will continue to inspire generations to come, and we wish them all the best in their well-deserved retirement. May this new chapter be filled with joy, rest, and the fulfillment of dreams.

Thank you, to both pastors for being the guiding light in many lives at Restoration MBC and the Auburn Gresham Community.

PR and content curated by 3:16 Magazine, Inc. 

All photos provided by Stacie, Smilez 360.




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