Pre-Valentine’s Day at Gospel Temple Church Chicago
On Saturday, February 8th, Gospel Temple MB Church at 1056 West 103rd Street in Chicago proudly hosted its annual Pre-Valentine’s Day Breakfast in.
On Saturday, February 8th, Gospel Temple MB Church at 1056 West 103rd Street in Chicago proudly hosted its annual Pre-Valentine’s Day Breakfast in.
Pieces of a Shattered Dream On Monday, January 20th, Martin Luther King Day, the Annie B. Jones Civic Arts Center hosted its first.
Dr. Willie Wilson won’t rule out another run for mayor By Chinta Strausberg After donating $25 for each of the 5,200 Cook County.
Chief Apostle McCoy calls for unity for post-election goal By Chinta Strausberg In calling for unity after the November 5th general election, Chief Apostle.
St. Sabina’s “Operation Blessings” handed 2,000 hot chicken dinners By Chinta Strausberg Yes, it’s that time of year again and one that fills.
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Gutierrez, Rev. Lozano prepare for “reign of terror” on Black and Hispanic immigrants Lozano to hold virtual services By Chinta Strausberg In preparation.