Anthony Todd, working to make life for seniors better
Anthony Todd

Anthony Todd, working to make life for seniors better

Distinguished businessman, strategist, and senior adviser are just a few words describing Anthony Todd. He is the marketing director for Direct Pain Access and Prime Care. Anthony is also a certified licensed insurance agent for Primerica. He has over 20 years in these positions. 

From the start, he proved himself as an exemplary administrator of a highly successful nursing home. 

In 1973, Anthony graduated from DePaul University with a master’s degree in healthcare. The following year, he had plans to attend Loyola to get a doctorate, but he decided to pursue a job opportunity instead. It was a tough decision, but ultimately Anthony felt it was the right choice for him at the time. Looking back, he has no regrets and is proud of the path he has taken in his career.

“I left Loyola because my friend had a nursing home, a 310-bed facility that he was running, and had some difficulties maintaining it. I thought it would be great to start as an assistant at a nursing home. So, I undertook that job and worked there for 15 years and exceeded my role,” confessed Anthony.

During that time, Anthony received credentials as a licensed nursing home administrator, rehabilitation nursing at Illinois Department of Public Health, and Allied Health for long-term care. 

Anthony explained, “I got all the necessary credentials to run a long-term adult skill facility. I am happy to say there were no violations from the Chicago Board of Health and Illinois Department of Public Health for ten years. That was very hard to achieve. The Normandy Terrace Skill Nursing Home was located: at 820 West Lawrence in Chicago, Illinois.”

I draw my inspiration from seniors 

“I adore working with seniors. Their wisdom, experience, and knowledge are truly invaluable. Every senior I’ve had the pleasure of meeting has had something unique to share with me. They shared stories with me that would shock most people – tales of struggle, survival, and perseverance. It’s truly humbling to hear about all they’ve been through,” Anthony said.

In 2012, Anthony founded Geriatric Wellness Services to help care for seniors by providing medical and social services. However, these are Anthony’s ways of giving back to the community and making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. 

“My business allowed me to take seniors on exceptional retreats. I had a company that sponsored a hundred seniors to Bloomington, Illinois for a senior retreat. This is my way of trying to reward them for their dedication. Anthony said.”

Anthony believes everyone deserves a quality life, especially those who are retired and living on welfare, Medicare, and Medicaid. It’s important to him to ensure that health-related issues are resolved for seniors.

“I understand that many of them may be afraid to go to the doctor or have services come in, but I work with them to give them the quality of life they deserve. I am inspired by the work of Artensa Randolph and strive to follow in her footsteps in helping others.”

Artensa Randolph was the Commissioner of housing for many years. She was installed by the former late Mayor Harold Washington’s administration. Artensa was the president of the Central Advisory Council, and building President of Washington Park. She became the first resident appointed to the CHA Board of Commissioners. Artensa went on to become a very powerful person whom many people would come to see like presidents and governors.

Ability to work with people. Seniors in particular. 

Dealing with some of the problems that are not essential can be quite amusing at times. For instance, when someone complains about their arthritis and says they can’t even hold their can of beer, it can be hard not to laugh. Why not say they cannot hold a glass of milk or a soda? Besides, to each their own, right? As for me, I have to admit that I find it a bit comical when people respond in unexpected ways. But no worries, I’m here to help you with whatever you need, no matter how silly it may seem.

In his spare time, Anthony enjoys reading a novel and traveling away from his community to view the broader scope of Chicago’s culture. Anthony says he tries to learn and understand his people. His goal is to become a bridge so people can cross to a better quality of life. 

Anthony’s friends often label him as a “goodie two shoes.” I simply strive to make a positive impact on the world around me, particularly in my community and workplace. By ensuring individuals have access to proper healthcare channels, such as Medicare and Medicaid, I can help them receive the care they need without hindering themselves with unnecessary HMO or PPO options. While I may not be able to change the entire world, I hope to make a difference where I can,” Anthony expressed.

“Normally, I coordinate conference calls with my clients and the Medicare and Medicaid representatives to resolve issues. There are times when it is notoriously difficult to reach agents. I act as a translator to ensure my clients can navigate along the conversation and obtain the necessary assistance.” 

Looking forward, Anthony hopes to find a program that would help seniors. “I really would like to find a program that would fund my company and make it more accessible for me to do more to the seniors in housing. Many of them need many more services than I can find for them. And if I had a funding source, it would be very encouraging,” Anthony said.